This lecture is aimed at you who are a property manager, technical manager or operations engineer. During the workshop you will receive tips on how to make your heating systems more efficient without major investments.
Location: Google Meet.
Time: One hour and booking of time by agreement.
Price: 1 495:- / person excluding VAT.
According to Boverket figures, heating accounts for approximately 70 percent of total energy use. In other words, there is a lot of money to be made when you have efficient heating systems.
With today’s energy prices, there is less room for new investments. Therefore, our recommendation is to instead make the existing equipment in a heating system more efficient.
In this lecture we will go through simple and cost-effective measures for an efficient heating system with district heating or a heat pump.
After the lecture, there is the opportunity to book digital coaching!
This workshop is aimed at property managers, technical managers or operations managers. In the workshop you will receive tools on how to set up a strategy for the refrigerant you have in your business.
Location: Google Meet.
Time: Two hours and booking of time according to agreement.
Price: 9,900 SEK / company excluding VAT.
On March 11, 2024, the new F-gas regulation came into force and it means a significant reduction in F-gases until 2030. This means that you already need a strategy for the refrigerants you have to avoid any surprises.
The workshop is divided into two sessions. We will go through the new F-gas regulation, how to extend the life of your heat pumps and chillers and how to set up a strategy for the refrigerant you have in your business.
After the workshop, there is the opportunity to book digital coaching!
The training is aimed at you who are operations technicians and involves you checking a heating system using our free checklists. NOTE! We take no responsibility for operating errors.
If you need help with how to do and interpret the checks, you have the option to book digital coaching!
Fill in the form and we will contact you or call us on 0227-138 00.